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VERSUS Page 16
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Page 16
I’ve tried it over and over again.
It started last night when she texted me to tell me that all flights out of Buffalo were grounded because of a band of thunderstorms that had rolled into the area.
I missed the text because I was in the middle of a dinner meeting with Trudy.
The text message I sent in reply was delivered but never read.
It was simple and to the point.
Dylan: I need you back here.
Worry settled over me when I woke at four thirty-five this morning and realized that she still hadn’t read the message.
If she’s in bed with Chet Richmond, I’ll fight until my dying breath to make her see that I’m the better choice.
I am the better choice.
I have always been the better choice for her. I wish to fuck I would have acted on that before she got into that car with Clark Dodson, or married Dr. Aron Steiner.
“I’ll call for an Uber.” Gunner’s gaze drops to his phone. “I got you a coffee from Palla on Fifth, sir. Is there anything else you need?”
Eden. I need Eden more than I need my next breath.
“Ms. Conrad will be at the courthouse,” Gunner offers as if he’s read my mind. “Let’s head over there now.”
He doesn’t need to tag along, but I’m not going to protest.
I need the company.
Rising from my chair, I nod.
Gunner rushes toward me, his hands moving in the air in front of him. “Let me fix your tie, sir. It’s crooked.”
I let him have at it as I stare past him to the open door of my office.
“That’s perfect.” He pats my shoulder.
I follow him out of my office.
All I have to do is keep it together in court. After that, I can wrap the woman I love in my arms and never let her go.
Sitting next to Trudy in the courtroom, I stare down at the watch on my wrist.
Eden has less than five minutes to get here.
The table where she should already be seated next to Troy is vacant.
“Maybe Troy has finally realized that he can’t win this.” Trudy laughs. “You’re the big bad wolf. You scared them both away.”
Her hand lands on my bicep. She squeezes it through my suit jacket.
I jerk my arm away. “What the hell, Trudy?”
Her eyes widen to saucers. She leans closer to me, dropping her voice to a whisper. “What? I know what you’re about. I’ve seen you at Veil East enough times to know what you like.”
“My friend, Corinne, told me all about you.” She lets out a stuttered breath. “Why do you think I called you to represent me? I can’t wait for us to celebrate the win.”
I stare at her. “Nothing is going to happen between us whether we win this case or not.”
“Says the lawyer who has screwed half of Manhattan.” She shakes her head. “Corinne says the view from your penthouse is to die for, but the view under your suit is even better.”
“I’m not saying that I haven’t met fun guys at the club.” She fans her hand in front of her face. “None of them measure up to you. If you know what I mean.”
Regret pools in my gut.
Regret for all the years I’ve wasted with other women; years that I could have been building a life with Eden.
I glance to the left when Troy passes by.
I turn in my seat to catch a glimpse of Eden, but that’s not who is trailing behind him.
Martin Durtow, a lawyer who works at Kurt’s firm, tosses me a wave. “It’s good to see you, Dylan.”
I can’t say the same.
Dread washes over me.
Something is wrong. Something is seriously fucking wrong.
I push to my feet and face him. “Where the hell is Eden?”
Chapter 45
Martin points at the bailiff as he enters the courtroom.
I remain standing, yanking my arm away when Trudy latches onto it as leverage to get herself out of the chair.
Tapping my shoe impatiently on the floor, I listen to the bailiff call court in session.
The Judge takes her seat, sips her water, runs a hand over her hair, and finally looks up.
Her brow pinches as she catches sight of Troy and his attorney.
“What’s going on here?” Her finger points in their direction. “I wasn’t informed of the change in counsel.”
“I’m a last-second replacement, your honor,” Martin says. “I haven’t had time to get up to pace with the case. I’m requesting a short continuance.”
“Is he serious?” Trudy grabs hold of my forearm. “I need this to be over, Dylan. Make it happen.”
Turning to face Martin again, I repeat my question. “Where the hell is Eden?”
“Mr. Colt,” Judge Mycella calls out. “Watch the language.”
I glance at her briefly before I level my gaze on Martin. “Where is Eden?”
“This is my courtroom, Mr. Colt.” Judge Mycella reminds me with a sharp note in her tone. “I’ll ask the questions.”
I open my mouth to repeat my question, but she continues, “Mr. Durtow, are you replacing Ms. Conrad as counsel for Mr. Alcester?”
A sudden burst of applause escapes from the gallery.
I feel like I’m in the middle of a goddamn circus.
The judge bangs her gavel once. “Order in the court.”
I take a step closer to Martin. “I need to know where Eden Conrad is.”
“Mr. Colt.” The Judge shoots me a look that is meant to shut me the hell up. “One more outburst and you’ll be found in contempt.”
“Ms. Conrad is unavailable,” Martin says in an even tone.
Judge Mycella nods. “Very well.”
No. Not very well. No fucking way.
“I need a sidebar, your honor.” I start walking toward her. “Now.”
Her brow twists in confusion. “Alright. Fine. Counsel will approach.”
Martin takes his sweet time walking to the bench. “What’s the issue here, Dylan?”
“My question as well,” Peggy says, glaring at me.
I fist my hands at my sides. “I need you to tell me where Eden Conrad is.”
“I don’t see how that’s your business.” Martin tucks his hands in the pockets of his pants.
I shoot Peggy a look. “It’s my business.”
“Mr. Colt and Ms. Conrad are old friends,” Peggy explains. “I think it’s safe to say that Mr. Colt is surprised by the change in counsel and his question is related to concern for his friend.”
“Exactly.” I tap a hand on the bench to avoid wrapping it around Martin’s neck.
I want a fucking answer to my question.
Martin scrubs his forehead with his hand. “In that case, I suppose it’s fine to tell you.”
I wait while he gazes down at the floor before he finally looks at me.
“Eden was on her way back from Buffalo early this morning.” He leans closer, lowering his voice. “She was driving. There was an accident.”
I reach for the bench to steady myself.
Christ. No. Please no.
Peggy gasps. “Oh, my goodness. What is her condition?”
“Where is she?” I blurt out. “Tell me where she is?”
“I don’t know her condition.” He lowers his voice. “All I know is that she was in a car wreck.”
“A continuance.” I thump my fisted hand on the bench. “I need a continuance.”
“Granted.” Peggy doesn’t miss a beat as she brings the gavel down. “We’re adjourned until a week from now.”
Before we hit the elevator, Gunner is on the phone with Lennox Hill Hospital. I’m waiting for Betsy Burton to pick up.
I cut her off before she can finish her greeting. “Betsy, this is Dylan Colt. I need to know everything you know about Eden Conrad.”
Gunner and I stand steady when the elevator doors fly open. Cell service is shit
in there. I have someone on the line that can tell me about Eden, so I’m not moving a muscle.
“I’m not at liberty to share personal information about our employees,” Betsy says with a tremor in her voice.
“Bullshit,” I spit back. “I need you to tell me now where I can find Eden.”
Jesus, please let her be all right. Don’t let this be the end.
“Mr. Sufford has made it very clear that we cannot give…”
I end the call, cursing under my breath at the woman’s commitment to following the rules.
I open my contact list and scroll down to Kurt’s name.
I look over at Gunner while I wait for Kurt to pick up.
He’s spelling Eden’s name out to someone at New York Presbyterian.
My call to Kurt rings through to voicemail. I spit out a few words. “It’s Dylan Colt. I need to know where Eden is. Call me back as soon as you can.”
Ending the call, I turn to Gunner. “Get me Noelle Sufford’s number.”
We board the elevator headed to the ground floor. I have no idea which direction I’m supposed to go when I get off this thing, but I’ll find her.
If she’s taken her last breath, I would feel it inside.
Eden is alive, and I’m going to get to her.
Chapter 46
One benefit of being a divorce lawyer for the wealthy and elite in Manhattan is that a stack of favors is at your disposable.
I cashed in today.
Noelle Sufford was at LaGuardia when Gunner reached her.
I didn’t ask how he managed to track down her cell number. I don’t care.
He came through when I needed it.
He backed that up with a call to a former client who offered the use of his private plane.
Noelle hitched a ride with me.
She didn’t say much on the flight. I was fine with that. My focus is only on Eden.
Seeing her, helping her, loving her.
We touched down in Buffalo twenty minutes ago. We’re walking through the main doors of the General Hospital now.
I don’t have to ask Noelle if she’s been here before. It’s obvious she has.
She leads me down a series of corridors until we’re standing next to a reception desk in the emergency room.
“Good day.” The woman behind the desk has a tone to cheery for the job. “What can I do for you two?”
“I’m Dr. Noelle Sufford.” Noelle rakes a hand through her hair. “I’m here to see a patient. Eden Conrad.”
The woman taps on a keyboard in front of her. She pecks away with one finger. “Yes. Ms. Conrad is here.”
“Where?” I blurt out.
The woman behind the desk looks up at me. “She’s under the care of one of our physicians. If you have a seat, I’ll have the doctor come speak to you.”
“What’s the attending physician’s name?” Noelle looks down a long corridor. People dressed in green scrubs and white lab coats are darting in and out of doorways.
“Dr. Joy Yelena.”
Noelle points at a phone on the woman’s desk. “Please let her know that Dr. Noelle Sufford is here waiting to speak to her.”
The woman gives her a nod.
“Do you know Eden’s doctor?” I ask, hoping that Noelle has enough influence to get us in front of Eden as soon as possible.
She offers me a small smile. “We’ve met. Let’s sit and wait.”
I follow her to a row of plastic chairs and take a seat next to her. “She needs to be okay.”
Noelle’s hand lands on my shoulder. “She’s the strongest person I’ve ever known. I have faith that she’ll come through this.”
She has to. I can’t live the rest of my life without her.
Dr. Yelena’s gaze is trained on Noelle’s face.
She’s explaining Eden’s condition to her in terms I don’t understand.
I listen intently, tuned in to words I recognize.
They are few and far between.
Tired of waiting for their discussion to end, I interrupt. “Is Eden going to be all right? Can I see her?”
Dr. Yelena looks directly at me for the first time. “Who are you?”
Noelle stutters out a non-answer. “Eden and…they went to high school…but they have something now…I don’t know how…”
I let out a deep breath. “I love her.”
Noelle gasps. “You love her?”
I look over at her. “Deeply.”
Her eyes widen. “Does she know that?”
“She will.” I turn my attention back to the doctor. “As soon as I’m allowed in to see her, she’ll know how much I love her.”
Dr. Yelena nods. “I’ll make that happen as soon as I can. We’re running tests. Give me some time.”
“Is she conscious?” Noelle asks, her voice wavering.
“She is.” Dr. Yelena steals a glance over her shoulder to the corridor. “I need to get back to her. I can tell you that she’s awake. She’s disoriented and in pain. When I have an update, I’ll be back.”
I turn to Noelle when the doctor walks away. “Is she going to be all right?”
Tears well in the corners of her eyes. “She’ll be okay. She’s going to come through this.”
Relief hits me with the full force of a tidal wave. I drop back in the chair, cover my face with my hands, and exhale.
I won’t waste this chance. I fucking won’t let her get away again.
Eden Conrad is everything to me, and the moment I’m in front of her, she’ll know that.
Chapter 47
Eden looks so small and fragile in the hospital bed.
Her bottom lip is twice the size it normally is. The area around her right eye is swollen and shaded purple and yellow.
Her left arm is in a sling.
She’s beautiful.
She’s the only woman I’ve ever loved.
“Try not to wake her.” Dr. Yelena raises a finger to her lips. “You’re both welcome to stay, but I’d advise you to get some rest. She’ll be here for the night. We will revaluate in the morning.”
She steps out of the room, leaving Noelle and me with a nurse.
The gray-haired woman pushes a black tote bag at Noelle. “This was brought in with her.”
Noelle reaches for it. “I’ll take care of it.”
“This is the content of her pockets.” The nurse passes a small, clear plastic bag to Noelle. “I’ll be right outside if you need anything.”
“I think I’ll go to her place and get some rest.” Noelle fishes her hand in the tote bag. “Her condo keys must be in here.”
I can’t take my eyes off of Eden.
I have no intention of going anywhere.
Griffin is covering for me until I’m back in New York.
Gunner is his back up. I spoke to him ten minutes ago with an update.
Noelle did the same with her dad. I heard her tell him that she’ll be back in Manhattan tomorrow.
“I can’t believe she still has this,” Noelle whispers. “It’s beautiful.”
Whatever it is, it can’t compare to Eden.
The soft jingle of keys fills the air, but Eden doesn’t stir. The monitors hooked up to her beat on in a comforting rhythm.
“Will you text me if there’s any change?” Noelle takes a step closer to me. “Her condo isn’t far. I can be back here in a flash.”
I glance over at her. “I’ll text you if there’s a change.”
“Her dad died in a room two floors up.” Her gaze drops. “She held onto this. She told me it gave her strength to get through it.”
I look down at the piece of blue sea glass in her palm.
“Give it to her if she wakes up.” She pushes it into my hand. “It must still give her strength now. It was in the pocket of her pants tonight.”
I curl my fist around it. “I’ll see to it that she gets it.”
“She hasn’t had it easy.” She tilts
her head. “She deserves to be happy.”
“I’ll do everything in my power to make that happen.”
She glances over at Eden. “I can tell that you will.”
I roll the piece of sea glass in my hand.
It’s been hours since Noelle left.
Eden hasn’t moved. Her breathing is still calm. Her lip is more swollen than it was earlier.
“I love you,” I whisper. “I wanted to tell you the night we graduated.”
I take her right hand, cupping it in mine.
“I’m sorry that I let you down.” I choke back a sob. “I’m so sorry that I hurt you.”
I rest my lips against her open palm. A smudge of dried blood is there.
I reach for a tissue to rub it off, trying to ward off the mental image of the accident.
The nurse who is watching over Eden had only sparse details to share. She got those from the paramedics who were on scene.
The roads were wet and slick. Eden’s car careened down an embankment and came to rest against a tree.
The airbag deployed.
That likely saved her life.
“I should have been there to protect you from all of it.” I press her hand to my cheek. “From everything you’ve been through.”
One of her fingers brushes against the side of my nose.
My eyes pop open. “Eden? Wake up.”
Her fingers stir again, branching out across my cheek.
“It’s me,” I whisper against her cheek. “Open your beautiful eyes.”
She does.
Slow flutters of her eyelashes reveal those gorgeous blue irises.
“Eden,” I choke back a sob. “I’m here.”
She swallows, wincing in pain.
“I’ll get the doctor.” I start to pull away. “Let me get the nurse.”
“Dylan,” she whispers my name so softly that I can barely make it out over the beeping of the monitor. “Am I dreaming?”
I huff out a laugh. “You’re awake. Thank fuck you’re awake.”